Thursday, November 30, 2017


A couple of weekends ago we had a soccer game scheduled for a Sunday afternoon, but alas the weather was poor and the game was canceled.  We filled the time playing a few board games together as a family.  One of the games we played was Headbanz, a family game in which you wear a headband, attach a card to it, and have to guess what is on the card by asking the other players yes or no questions.

Playing Headbanz

The game comes with a couple of cards of sample questions to ask, so my 7 year old starts reading down the list of questions.  I can't remember what her card was, but the questions went like this.

Her:  Is it an animal?
Me:  Yes
Her:  Is it a pet?
Me:  No
Her:  Is it big?
Me:  No
Her:  Does it have hair?
Me:  No
Her:  Is it a vegetable?
Me:  ....

LOL!  Critical thinking gone out the window in favor of reading off the card in order.  We had a good laugh over the possible vegetable animal on her card.  :-)  We played for a few rounds and it killed some time on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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