Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Trip to Maine - Post #23: Wonderland Trail

Following our stop at the Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse, we continued along the road and stopped at a small parking lot on the side of the road and hiked along Wonderland Trail, to the water. This is a longer hike than the one at the lighthouse, but only 15-20 minutes to get to the water. The trail is easy and takes you through a wooded area (we saw a deer!) and then down to the beach and water.

We walked along the beach over to the flat rocks and spent some time exploring the cracks in the rocks, looked for critters in the pools of water. My kids, particularly my youngest, immediately went searching for small flat rocks to skip across the water. This has been a bit of a tradition for us, walking to the water and skipping rocks. You get a small amount of enjoyment when you can achieve 5+ skips! 

This is another place you can head for a nice picnic. Plenty of places to spread out a blanket and enjoy some good picnic food at the water's edge, listening to to the waves crash against the rocks. You'll likely share the beach and rocks with a handful of others, but nothing like the hordes of people at the beach or any of the other attractions along the park look road on the other side of the park. 

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