Our family vacation this year was a trip to Iceland! My wife and I visited Iceland back in 2014 and we've always wanted to go back with our kids. We didn't anticipate it this year, but once we saw direct flight international tickets to Iceland were exactly $500 a piece, we jumped at the chance. That's a cheap price for an international flight and one you are rarely, if ever, going to beat. So Iceland it was. I'll be writing several posts over the next several weeks detailing our experiences, but here's a recap.
1. Where else can you go and see glaciers, mountains, volcano craters, whales, puffins, seals, waterfalls, and eat delicious seafood?
2. Iceland is very expensive. A typical, 'cheaper' meal in Iceland ran us about $70 for a family of four. Yikes! So save up ahead of time so you're not worrying about how much you are spending on food. Even a standard hot dog and coke ran about $7.
3. Swimming pools are everywhere in Iceland, so spend an afternoon at one. They are naturally heated due to geological activity under the surface. We were at an outdoor pool when the outside temp was 45 degrees F, but the water temperature was nice and warm.
4. The people in Iceland are kind, wonderful, and amazingly helpful.
5. There is so much to do! So much!
6. Purchase waterproof shoes, pants, and a jacket. This is pricey, but well worth it. It rains all the time and even getting near some waterfalls will get you wet. Bring weather appropriate clothes and you can continue your day without stopping for the rain. We did a lot of walking in the rain, but it was no big deal because we stayed dry underneath our waterproof outerwear.
So that's just a brief introduction on our trip to Iceland, with many more posts to come. Iceland is a wonderful nation and I can tell you we'll be back for a third (or more!) visit! Oh...and sheep. Lots of sheep!
Sheep crossing the road we are on, staring us down. :-) |