Thursday, November 13, 2014

1,000 Books Read!

In September 2012, my 4 year old (then 2 yr old) started a program at our local library called "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten".  We received a binder to record the title and date of each book read.  After each 100 books read, she was able to pick out a prize and a new book to keep at home.  Each time this happened was a day of excitement at the library for her.  I'm now happy to report that she/we read her 1,000th book last month!

Research study after research study shows that reading out loud to your children at a young age is the "single most important activity leading to literacy acquisition."

Importance of Reading Aloud

Library programs such as the one my daughter just completed are a great way to get parents to read to their children by providing incentives.  E-books are becoming more popular and are becoming a greater market share of all books, although recent stats show this increase leveling off.  I'm a big e-book reader, but I still love going to the library and showing my kids how to explore the library.  I'm often like a little kid when I go to the library, searching the stacks for a new author or new book series to read.

My point is to not forget about your local library.  It's a great resource for you and your children and often provides several programs to encourage reading.  Take advantage of these programs and let your kids explore the wonderful world of reading!

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