Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The End of the World...NOT!

Let me say this as clearly as possible.  THE WORLD WILL NOT END ON DECEMBER 21, 2012!!!  Despite what you may have heard over the last several years, the world will not end in a few days.  The magnetic poles will not switch on December 21.  We will not be struck by a large asteroid/comet on December 21.  Some random alignment of a bunch of stuff will not destroy Earth on December 21.  A solar flare will not wipe us all out on December 21.  Things that might happen to you December 21, 2012.

1.  You might go to work.

2.  You might watch the movie 2012.

3.  You might regret giving away your life savings because you assumed Earth was ending.

4.  You might pay some bills...maybe late because you thought the world was going to end.

5.  You might clean up your dog/cat's barf.

And the list goes on.  If you want some actual scientific evidence against the world ending on December 21, 2012, check out the following websites.





1 comment:

  1. Anyone wishing to give away their life savings before the world ends, please see me!!! :)
