Friday, May 3, 2013

Moon Revolution Direction

In what direction does the Moon revolve around the Earth?  Pretty much everything in the solar system revolves around the Sun in the counter-clockwise direction and rotates on its own axis in the counter-clockwise direction.  The Moon is no exception to this rule.  This is the result of the original motion of gas in the solar nebula that formed the solar system 4.5 billion years ago.  There are a few exceptions such as Venus (slow clockwise rotation), Uranus (tipped on its side), and a few moons in the outer solar system.  These exceptions are most likely due to collisions early on in the solar system.

A while back I mentioned the Science Encyclopedia book my 6 year old brought home in her monthly book order.  It's a great book with a few excellent ideas for science experiments, but unfortunately I've found a mistake.  There's a full page on the Moon which is full of amazing pictures and useful information, but there's a picture showing the Moon revolving around the Earth in the wrong direction!!!

Looking at the picture, you can see that the red arrows depict the Moon revolving around the Earth in the clockwise direction!  The wrong direction!  The Moon revolves around the Earth in the counter-clockwise direction!

This just goes to show you that good science books for kids can make a mistake or two.

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