Friday, June 14, 2013

Does an Orange Float or Sink?

Does an orange float in water or sink in water?  That's the question my 6 year old and I set out to answer this past week.  We began by filling a large bowl of water and placing an orange in the water.

We discovered that the orange floats.  Then we peeled the orange, removing the rind.  Placing the rind in the water we find that it also floats.

Next we placed the unpeeled orange in the water and guest what?  It sinks!

Why does a peeled orange sink, but an unpeeled orange float?  It's all about the rind.  The rind has a low density that is less than that of water.  When on the orange, the overall density of the orange is less than water and the orange floats.  The fruit of the orange is denser than water and as a result, sinks.  This is a great density experiment that teaches your child why objects sink or float.  Plus you get to eat a delicious orange afterwards!