Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Science Day!!!

This past week my wife and I took our two daughters to a Science Day sponsored by a local college.  It turned out to be an awesome morning for all of us.  The Science Day was held at a building on the fairgrounds and the entire building was filled with tables of science demos/experiments, including several demos set up outside.  We went from table to table and had a blast.  There were demos dealing with density, magnetic fields, water, sand, air, balloons, rockets, etc.  Everyone received a passport book to have each demo table stamped in a book to keep track of what was done and what still needed to be done.

Unfortunately we had a few other things going on that day and didn't get a chance to see every table, but we marked off about 2/3 of them in the passport book.  We were able to take several of the demos home with us and we received a book of science demos/experiments to do on our own at home!  How cool!!!  Over the next 2 months I'll post several of the demos to this blog.  Some my kids and I have done before, but others are new!

I'm not sure who was more excited at the Science Day:  me or my kids!  We all had a blast, that's for sure!

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