So we tried again this summer when the inside house temperature was ABOVE 72 degrees at all times. We followed the instructions word for word. We even put the small tank next to a sunny window to further keep the temperature up. Did any triops hatch? Nope! So now I'm left shaking my head. I have no idea why they didn't hatch and as a result of our two failed attempts, I can't encourage anyone to buy one of these kits. Maybe others have had success doing something I didn't. If so, let me know! Since I have no triops pictures of my own to show you, I will leave with a random picture from the web. :-)
A sharing of science experiences between the Cool Science Dad and his two daughters. Updates on Monday - Friday.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Triops FAIL!!!
Last week I posted on our second attempt to grow triops from this kit my 8 year old received last Christmas. Our first attempt failed. No triops hatched. But I thought I knew why. The instructions stated the water temperature must remain no cooler than 72 degrees. To save on energy costs we never keep the house at 72 degrees in the winter. At most it is set at 68, so that would be a reasonably explanation as to why the triops didn't hatch.
So we tried again this summer when the inside house temperature was ABOVE 72 degrees at all times. We followed the instructions word for word. We even put the small tank next to a sunny window to further keep the temperature up. Did any triops hatch? Nope! So now I'm left shaking my head. I have no idea why they didn't hatch and as a result of our two failed attempts, I can't encourage anyone to buy one of these kits. Maybe others have had success doing something I didn't. If so, let me know! Since I have no triops pictures of my own to show you, I will leave with a random picture from the web. :-)
So we tried again this summer when the inside house temperature was ABOVE 72 degrees at all times. We followed the instructions word for word. We even put the small tank next to a sunny window to further keep the temperature up. Did any triops hatch? Nope! So now I'm left shaking my head. I have no idea why they didn't hatch and as a result of our two failed attempts, I can't encourage anyone to buy one of these kits. Maybe others have had success doing something I didn't. If so, let me know! Since I have no triops pictures of my own to show you, I will leave with a random picture from the web. :-)
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