Thursday, December 28, 2017

Constructing Dominoes

The other night my wife and 10 year old were off at Girl Scouts meeting, so my 7 year old and I had the evening to ourselves.  After dinner we took a look in the game closet to pull out a couple of games.  We played a game of chess, followed by a game of checkers, and then found a small set of dominoes and set out constructing simple domino structures to topple.

One of our simple domino structures.

We had quite a bit of fun building different structures and then toppling them.  These were all very simple structures since the dominoes you see in the image above show ALL the dominoes we found in the house.  :-)  Nonetheless, fun was had.

Christmas has now passed but I see a set of more dominoes in the future with upcoming birthdays so we can build larger structures together!  There's quite a bit of science to constructing domino structures.  It's easy to build simple structures, but more complex structures take more careful planning.  There are several websites out there sharing domino construction hints and tips.

Now that we have a cat in the house, building more complex domino structures will be interesting, if not frustrating.  :-)

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