Monday, April 16, 2018

Extreme Science Kit

A couple of weekends ago my 11 year old opened up the box of an "Extreme Science Kit" she received for her birthday.

Extreme Science Kit
The kit includes a few plastic test tubes and basic materials that allows one to complete 11 different science experiments.  My daughter's first experiment was the one shown in the video below.

Very cool!  My daughter is old enough now to do many of these on her own.  In fact, that's how this weekend's experiments started.  She woke up, opened the box, and set out to do some science!  The moral of this story is the same as most stories I write up on this blog.  Expose your kids to science.  Encourage them to explore.  Let them make a mess.  Let them have fun.  Do all of this and you have a young scientist in the making!  Maybe they won't have a career in science but they'll have a greater appreciation of science for the rest of their life!

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