Thursday, September 20, 2018

Climate Change Denial Myth #4: Is Climate Change Natural and Cyclical?

It's been awhile since I last wrote about a climate change denial myth. I've been busy writing about our trip to Iceland, but now that I finished that series, it's time to get back to climate change denial. The science is very clear. Global temperatures are warming. Climate change is real and it is primarily caused by humans. Yet an entire political party in the United States denies the truth as they are beholden to the pocket books of fossil fuel advocates. One common argument denialists use is climate change is natural and it's happened before, therefore the climate changing now is no big deal. Is there any truth to this?
As the graph above shows, there have been temperature increases and decreases. There are natural effects that change Earth's climate. However, the very sharp increase in temperature over a very short time period is unprecedented in the last 2000 years. There is no natural effect to account for this drastic increase in temperature.

So what does this all mean? There is some truth to the naturally changing climate on Earth, but to apply that to the last 50 years of drastic temperature increases on Earth is an absurd twisting of the truth to fit one's made up reality that today's changes are natural. They are not. Today's temperature increases are a direct result of fossil fuel burning and a massive dump of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gasses absorb infrared radiation released by Earth, trapping it in Earth's atmosphere and further increasing the surface temperature. Denying it doesn't change the truth.

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