Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Logic Puzzles

I'll never forget the day I first discovered logic puzzles. Okay, I don't remember the exact day, but I remember discovering these in elementary school and the joy they brought me. If you are not familiar with logic puzzles, they are a set of clues you receive and you have to solve who received what, of what type, of what type 2, etc. Here's a picture.

This is a logic puzzle I picked up after Christmas after seeing both of my kids receive logic puzzle books for gifts from family. I was jealous and had to get my own! Logic puzzles are a fantastic way to find some screen free time that also uses those critical thinking skills. Find a book that has puzzles of varying difficulty. You'd be amazed at how difficult these puzzles can be and the brain "stretching" they require!

This particular book, in the picture above, provides an average completion time for each puzzle, completion rate, and record time based on stats recorded from the puzzles on the online site. I've only worked on three puzzles so far, but I've solved them all for 100% completion rate. :-)

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