Monday, January 22, 2018

Books Read

In January 2004 I started a journal of all books I've read.  This was in part to help me keep track of which books I've read but also as a guide to look back at plot lines I found important in books part of a larger series.  With 2017 recently coming to a close, I updated my list of read books and updated my graph of total books read over time.

Graph of total books read versus date.  

Based on the trend line I read about 32 books per year.  In 2017 I read 43 books, so a bit ahead of pace.  However, if you look a bit closer at the graph, you'll see the slope of the line increases right around 2011.  My book reading pace picked up a bit in 2011 and has continued to the present.  Thus the 43 books read last year is probably on par with previous years after 2011.  

The moral of this story?  I love to read!  Reading is a great way to learn, pass the time, and escape the stresses of everyday life!  I'm currently reading the third book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. 

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