Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Last Year Believing in Santa?

I think this is probably the last year that my 6 year old believes in Santa Claus.  In fact, I'm not sure she entirely believes in Santa Claus this year, but I can't tell for sure.  She's beginning to ask a lot of questions and is becoming more skeptical about things which is exciting for me to see.  On the other hand, it opens up a few awkward conversations.  Take this conversation, for example, that took place at the dinner table the other night.

6 year old:  Daddy, does Santa Claus die?

Me:  Uh...what do you mean?

6 year old:  Does Santa Claus die?

Me:  Do you mean has he already died or will he die sometime in the future?

6 year old:  Will he die?

Me:  (Not knowing what to say since my 3 year old is sitting at the table listening.)  Well, some people live longer than others, so I don't know when Santa will die.

6 year old:  How old is Santa?

Me:  I don't really know.  (Always an appropriate answer to kids.  Never be afraid to say I don't know.  It's much better than making up an answer that later leads to a misconception in your child's life).  Santa was alive when I was a kid, when your grand parents were a kid, and when your great grand parents were a kid.

6 year old:  Ok.

And that was the end of the conversation.  AWKWARD!  And it was just me since my wife worked late that night.  No adult backup from my better half.  Ug.

So I'm guessing she's questioning Santa Claus and will discover the truth on her own soon.  On one hand it's sad to see this since it means she's growing older and is no longer the baby/toddler she was once.  But on the other hand, watching her think critically about the world around her is an amazing sight to observe.

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