Wednesday, January 16, 2019

New Lego Sets

Fun with Legos

Both of my kids are big fans of Legos. They've been playing with Legos since they were old enough not to swallow them, and even then, they played with the extra large Legos you can't stuff in your mouth. Over the years they've acquired several Lego sets, building and rebuilding them, as well as using their creativity to develop their own buildings. This past Christmas they each received a new Lego set they immediately constructed!

Women of NASA

My oldest daughter received the Women of NASA Lego set that features four female astronauts: Sally Ride, Margaret Hamilton, Mae Jemison, and Nancy G. Roman. Very cool!

The Bat-Space Shuttle

My youngest daughter received the The Bat-Space Shuttle for Christmas. We were going to watch a family movie together after opening gifts, but she was so excited to put her new Lego set together that we changed plans! Lego building for her it was! A few hours later and she had this set put together and had a huge smile on her face as she showed off her handy-work!

Legos and Critical Thinking

Playing with Legos is a great way to develop critical thinking skills. The sets themselves come with step by step directions, but the real critical thinking and creativity comes from taking the pieces and building free-style. I've spend hours watching my kids play with their Legos and it is always such a joy watching them think through what pieces they need to create the masterpieces they have in their minds!

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