Monday, November 5, 2012

Post Halloween Wrap Up

My family had an excellent Halloween last week.  I was worried it was going to be cold and rainy.  It was cold, but the rain stopped a couple of hours before trick or treating began.  As instructed by my daughter, I dressed up in my cow costume.  Yes, that's right, I own a cow costume, complete with utters and all!  As a grad student I found this costume very cheap several years ago and I keep it in a box in the garage.  It makes a short appearance every year on Halloween.  The worst part about it is that my kids think the udders are cool and want to touch them.  Awkward!!!  It takes a good 30 minutes to convince them to stop playing with the udders!

We had a great time and both kids ended up with buckets full of candy that Mommy and Daddy had to double check for poison.  At least that's how my 5 year old worded it.  She must have had a discussion at school about how parents should check your candy before eating it.

A partial pile of candy!

I remember my parents checking all of our candy for possible tampering.  I always thought it was amazing that my parents knew that the candy was okay to eat.  As a kid, I had no way of knowing.  Then I grew up into an adult, had kids of my own, and now realize that my parents had no clue what they were doing.  Why do I say that?  Because I have no idea what I'm doing when I check for tampered candy!  Obviously if something is open it's no good, but beyond that, checking for tampered candy is an almost impossible task.  It's a horrible thing to think, but if someone really wanted to poison Halloween candy, they can do it and parents would be none the wiser.

But enough negative talk.  We had a great time and I look forward to wearing my cow costume again next year!!!

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