Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Witch is a Tough Word to Say

Classify these two items under "crazy things kids say".  This past Saturday my daughters had their weekly swim lesson.  My 2 year old is too young to be in a lesson without a parent, so usually I get in the water with her for parent/child swim lessons.  She does a great job and has no problems jumping in the pool.  She really enjoys the water, which makes parent/child swim lessons bearable.  It's not fun when your child clings to you like Velcro.  My 5 year old did this when she was in parent/child lessons a couple of years ago.  It wasn't much fun.

Anyway, before getting into the pool I was joking with my 2 year old about my shirt.  I hadn't taken my shirt off yet and I kept teasing her that I was going to keep it on in the pool.  She didn't like this.  She kept saying "Shirt off!  Shirt off Daddy!"  Finally I relented and took off my shirt.  The 2 year old proceeded to yell out, with a big smile on her face I might add, "Daddy naked!!!!  Daddy naked!!!"  Everyone in the pool heard, but what could I do?  I should just be happy that she's excited about swim lessons.

The next day my 2 year old gave us another of those "crazy things kids say" moment.  While reading a Halloween kids book about witches my wife pointed out a witch and ask our 2 year old to say the word "witch".  Big mistake.  Apparently 'w' is a tough sound for her to make.  Instead of saying "witch" she said "bi---".  Then of course she kept repeating it, thinking she was successful in saying "witch".  Then, of course, my 5 year old picks up on this and says "she's not saying witch, she's saying bi---".  Sigh.

It took everything for my wife and I to keep a straight face during this!

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