Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Earth Day - Climate Change Poster

For Earth Day this year my daughter's Girl Scout troop hosted an event for other Girl Scout troops in the area.  Given the timing, the theme of the event was directly related to Earth Day.  There were various games and activities focused on Earth.  My daughter was in charge of designing a poster.  She had helped from her Mom and Dad, but did a lot of work picking out what to put on the poster.  Here it is:

I put the poster together in PowerPoint for her, but she helped pick out different pictures and helped make the list of things you can do to help.  It was a great time helping her learn about the environmental problems on Earth and investigating what can be done to help.  

Earth Day is a great day to talk to your kids and participate in Earth Day related events, but in reality, every day is Earth Day, so don't wait until next April, start talking about the Earth now!

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