Thursday, January 17, 2019

Bears vs. Babies

The Game

For Christmas this year we gave my 12 year old cousin the board game Bears vs. Babies. It's a game we have and one I enjoy. The game was designed by The Oatmeal, whose comics I have read for years and whose other games, Exploding Kittens and You've Got Crabs, I also own. The basic premise of the game is to design monsters (bears) given the cards in your hand and build a strong enough monster force that can defeat the deranged babies. All while battling the other players who are trying to destroy your army so either they defeat the babies or the babies destroy your own army.

One of the cool parts of this game is the amazing and creative graphics designed by The Oatmeal. The monsters you create are no ordinary monsters. They are definitely unique! The game is now sold by some mainstream retailers, such as Target, but you can get it straight from The Oatmeal's shop here:

The Oatmeal's Shop


The other cool part about this game is that it requires you to use critical thinking skills. Yes, some of the game is based on the luck of the draw and which cards you get, but a greater portion involves you deciding which cards to play when. To gain points you have to provoke the babies and fight them, but sometimes your armies are too weak. Do you build the strength of your own armies, or provoke the babies in an attempt to destroy another player's army? That's the tricky part and where the critical thinking comes in.


Bears vs. Babies is a great gift idea. It's a fun game, with very cool graphics and the requirement of critical thinking. You can't beat that in a board game! Definitely check it out.

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