Thursday, June 27, 2019

Batman vs. Superman - Movie Review

As a family we are slowly watching the DC and Marvel comic book movies. Our most recent watch was Batman vs. Superman. This is the first Batman movie starring Ben Affleck as Batman. I know many did not like Affleck as Batman, but I thought he did a fine job in the role. We all enjoyed the movie, although it's not close to being the best Batman film out there. It's not the worst either. The worst will always go to Batman and Robin with George Clooney as Batman.  The whole premise of Batman battling Superman bothers me.

What's the problem? The problem is Batman vs. Superman is a no contest event. Batman has no chance. Literally zero chance to defeat Superman. Batman has no superpowers. Batman thrives on the high level of technology he uses to defeat evil. That may work great against your villains lacking superpowers, but against a superhero? Nope, technology won't win.

Superman can fly incredibly fast. He has incredible super strength. He has lasers coming out of his eyes, for crying out loud! The only way Batman stands a chance is to cheat using krypton to weaken Superman. And sure, if this is what you need to do to win, then okay, but honestly, how Superman didn't see the cheats coming is beyond me. The only way the battle between the two is close at all is because Superman LET Batman have a chance. :-)

Watch the movie...if you like comic book movies, you'll like this movie, but just understand that Superman would defeat Batman in a battle 1000 out of a 1000 times! Not even close. Remember, laser eyes. LASER EYES!!!

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