Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Hot Zone

At the end of May 2019, the National Geographic Channel aired a 6 episode miniseries titled "The Hot Zone". The show was "inspired by true events" although what is missing is probably the word 'loosely', as in "loosely inspired by true events". LOL! Despite knowing the show was a sensationalized version of what actually happened, I did enjoy it!

The show is based on the 1989 ebola scare near Washington, D.C. The ebola virus was discovered in Africa in 1976. The show switches back and forth between 1976 and 1989, with characters from the 1976 segments also involved in the 1989 segments. The difference is the ebola virus in 1989 was not showing the same symptoms in humans as 1976. Ebola is a very serious virus with different strains. It has a high fatality rate and there was a massive breakout in Africa in 2013-2014 with 11,000+ people dying. An unknown strain in 1989 would certainly have caused great concern.

While watching the first episode of the show I kept thinking, wait a second, I don't remember a U.S. ebola outbreak in 1989 in the U.S. Granted, I was a kid, but I was positive I'd have read something since on this. Four people contracted a different strain of ebola but none showed symptoms or became sick. A very fortunate thing given the proximity to a large population center. 

Ebola is very serious and the show, even if loosely based on true events, does impart how serious any strain of ebola must be taken. There have been several outbreaks of ebola since 1976 with thousands dying in that time. Most of the deaths are in Africa, but is not out of the question to see an outbreak of ebola in the U.S. Just because it has never happened doesn't mean we should let up our guard or not take the virus very seriously. 

Now, if only we can get people in the U.S. to take the flu seriously. The flu kills upwards of 50,000+ Americans EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!

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