Monday, December 23, 2019

Throw Throw Burrito!

Some board games have a significant learning curve and can take hours to play. Other board games are learned in 60 seconds and provide a few minutes of hilarious fun. Both type are needed. We recently played Throw Throw Burrito over Thanksgiving Break, a game I supported on Kickstarter when it was first announced. The game was created by The Exploding Kittens group, which includes Matthew Inman, also knows as creator of The Oatmeal comics.

The goal of the game is to earn points and whoever earns the most points wins. Oh, and you get to throw foam burritos at each other. Seriously. You throw foam burritos at each other!!!

There are foam burrito wars and foam burrito duels. The duels are your standard duel where two people each grab a foam burrito, stand back to back, take three steps, turn, and throw! First to get hit by a burrito loses! We had some epic duels as a family with missed throws, laundry hamper lids serving as shields, running from room to room, etc. And a whole bunch of laughing. LOL! Each game takes maybe 15-20 minutes, although an epic, drawn out duel could add a few minutes to that. 

Throw Throw Burrito is a great party game. If you own two packs, which I do, you can combine them and play up to 12 players at a time. Haven't done that yet, but I imagine a 12 player game of Throw Throw Burrito is quite the sight!

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