Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Betrayal at House on the Hill - Board Game

This past Christmas I received Betrayal at House on the Hill, a strategy based board game, for a gift. We finally had a chance to play it, along with many other board games, in late March when we were all sheltered in place at home due to the spread of COVID-19. It was a pretty cool and entertaining game that required the use of strong critical thinking skills.

The game starts with all players playing the role of explorers with the goal of exploring the house, picking up items, and gaining strength. At some point in the game, the haunt begins and one of the players is turned traitor. The traitor tries to defeat the other heroes and the heroes try to defeat the traitor. Each game is different and each haunt is different so no playing experience is the same as any of the other playing experiences. Some games include monsters while others do not.

I ended up the traitor in the first game we played and I was a very successful traitor, defeating the three heroes. Evil won this game. LOL! A great game to kill some time while sheltering in place waiting for the spread of COVID-19 to stop. 

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