Friday, July 20, 2012

Dads Cooking with Daughters

If you have are a dad and you have a daughter, make sure you spend time cooking with her.  It seems natural for moms to cook with their daughters, but it can also be natural for dads to cook with their daughters too.  Cooking is full of science and cooking with your daughter shows her that she should expect a future husband to help her with the cooking.  If you're a dad and you never do any of the cooking in your household, you are passing along the stereotype that the kitchen is where women belong.  Teach your daughter that the kitchen is where men belong too.  There are several good science and cooking websites out there.  Here are a few:

If you're not a good cook, don't worry. Your daughter doesn't care.  She's just happy that you're letting her help.  I'm a hamburger helper, cheese sandwich, and chocolate chip pancakes kind of cook.  The other day we pulled out my daughter's Easy Bake Oven.  

The Easy Bake Oven.

I have to admit that I find the Easy Bake Oven a bit disappointing, but my daughter loves it so this is what we cooked with.  The reason I find it disappointing is that the quantity of food that it produces is minuscule.  But it does teach the basics of cooking so it does the job.  

My daughter has a bag full of different Easy Bake Oven foods.  On this day we made cookie sandwiches and cupcakes.  I let her do all of the pouring into bowls and mixing.  All I do is measure out the water and put the food into and take it out of the oven.  Here are the photos of her masterpieces!

Cookie Sandwhiches

Prior to cooking

Fills the stomach...not!

Red Velvet Cupcakes
We both had a lot of fun cooking.  Cooking is something that most of us do every day, so take some time to involve your daughter.  Pancakes, waffles, cookies, and brownies or anything else that requires basic mixing works great for dad/daughter cooking.  

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