Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Legos - Science Lab

For Christmas this year my 5 year old received a small Lego set.  There were several different Lego sets at the store, but my wife and I picked out the one with a science lab.  There are so many "girl" toys that center around "girls" getting their hair done or doing their makeup or doing something other that what is considered a male dominant activity.  Thus it was great to see a girl Lego in a science lab to reinforce to girls that yes, science isn't just for boys.

The best part about this gift is that it's the first one my daughter opened!  I went over to see if she needed any help with the Lego instructions but she told me that she had it covered.  I was a very proud Daddy that night.  Watching her read and successfully complete the Science Lab Lego instructions was a joy to my eyes!

There are a lot of toys out there that are marketed toward just boys or just girls.  It's important to realize, however, that kids aren't born with these defined gender roles.  Parents teach their kids gender roles.  So if you don't want your daughters to shy away from science, then don't pass along the "lie" that science is for boys only.  It really is as easy as that.  Encourage your daughters to take part in science and they will grow to love and appreciate it.  

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