Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Egg Drop Experiment Time

I've posted about this before (see here and here), but just did this egg drop experiment again with a group of 3rd-5th graders.  The basic idea of an egg drop experiment is to build a ship/container out of very specific materials that is designed to protect a raw egg when dropped.  These students had the following materials:

15 tongue depressors (wide popsicle sticks)
15 narrow popsicle sticks
1 plastic grocery bag
5 paper clips
5 straws
15 cotton balls
5 rubber bands
3 pipe cleaners
2 feet of yarn

With those materials and only those materials, students had to build a ship.  Ships built by these 3rd-5th graders are shown below.

They did a great job with several eggs surviving a fourth floor fall to the ground!  The egg drop experiment is something you can do with your kids when they're bored on the weekend.  You can use the same materials I chose, or mix and match with different materials.  My 6 year old is close to being old enough that she can build the ship without  much parental guidance.  I'm looking forward to doing this with her (and my 3 year old) in the relatively near future.  

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