Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bad Astronomy Movie #5 - Interstellar

The 5th movie watched in my 2 week Bad Astronomy May Term course was Interstellar.  I had high hopes for this film.  I figured there'd be some bad science, but I expected it to be a good film, at least from what I'd heard.  Boy was I wrong!

As expected, there was some bad science, although not nearly as bad as the bad science in Armageddon.  There was a complete lack of discussion in the movie regarding oxygen supplies.  Only once, near the very end of the movie, was lack of oxygen ever mentioned.  There was another scene in which the space craft launched from a planet (similar to Earth) into orbit without a 3 stage rocket.  A 3 stage rocket was required to launch the same craft out of Earth.  There was mention of different gravity on different planets, and although close to Earth, walking ability suffered no effects.  Somehow huge tsunamis developed in water that was only about a foot deep.  

None of this bothered me as much as the storyline.  I was okay with it up until the last hour (3 hour movie).  Then it seemed as if the producers slapped together a bunch of different pieces to keep the movie under 3 hours.  In my opinion they tried to squeeze way too much into that last hour and the movie greatly suffered as a result.

So that's my review of Interstellar.  Some bad science, but far from Armageddon style bad science.  Forgetting the bad science, I still found this to be a horrible movie.  Three hours of my time I'll never get back.

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