Thursday, August 18, 2016

Pirates of the Caribbean and Stuffed Animals

Every couple of weeks we hold a family movie night at our house where the four of us cuddle up on the couch with popcorn and watch a movie.  We recently started watching the Pirates of the Caribbean series.  We've watched the first three movies with plans to watch the fourth on our next family movie night.  As a side note, there's a fifth movie set to come out next year.  My 6 year is super into pirates now and her and my 9 year old decided to dress up a few of their stuffed animals.  The next day I saw this.!  ROFL!!!  Leave your kids alone for awhile to use their own imagination and you never know what they'll come up with!  The timing of this is particularly good as the day I saw this I was feeling a bit down due to some standard life things we adults experience at times.  This perked me up a bit, I must admit!

Back to the Pirates of the Caribbean.  These movies are rated PG-13.  Obviously my kids are under the age of 13.  However, we made the determination there are no bloody or deeply disturbing scenes.  Yes, there is violence.  There are pirate battles.  There are scenes of people getting hanged and stabbed with swords.  Before starting the movie we had a conversation about what is real and what isn't real.  We had conversations about movies being for entertainment.  In the end we decided they were mature enough to watch these movies.  You'll need to decide for yourself whether Pirates of the Caribbean is appropriate for your children.  If you do, you may find your stuffed animals in your house turned into pirates!

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