Thursday, July 30, 2020

Emergency Skin - Book Review

The other night I started and finished Emergency Skin, a short story by N.K. Jemisin. The story is about 50 pages in length, so a quick read, but one filled with many thought-provoking ideas. Without giving the story away, let me attempt to provide a brief overview.

The story starts with a being going to Earth, called Tellus, to collect materials for the being's home planet. The being is guided by some type of artificial intelligence. When arriving on Tellus, the being discovers it is inhabited and later learns that it came from Earth at some point in the past.

What follows is a story of how we treat each other and the values we place on individuals in society. It's a story of the rich and pretentious versus those who care about individuality. An excellent short story I encourage you to add to your must-read list.

Emergency Skin is part of Forward, a collection of 6 short stories, but you can purchase Emergency Skin by itself and you don't need to read the other stories, although I plan to.

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