Monday, March 20, 2017

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

My oldest daughter recently turned 10 and instead of a standard birthday party she requested to invite a few of her closest friends to the opening showing of Beauty and the Beast.  We bought tickets early and went to the very first showing at the theater in our area.  Fortunately she was on Spring Break so even though it was a week night, it wasn't a school night.  We let our younger daughter invite a friend too so she she had a friend to sit with.  In total it was my wife, myself, 8 girls ranging in age from six to ten years, and a couple of our friends.  Yikes!  The good news is they all had fun, no one was hurt (popcorn machine malfunction???), and we didn't lose anyone!

The movie itself was AWESOME!!!  A must-see!  I'm a huge Emma Watson fan.  I first saw her acting in the Harry Potter movies, but as an adult Watson has become an activist in the area of equal rights for women.  She's using the platform she has as an actor to promote greater good in this world.  I see her as an excellent role model for my daughters to look up to.  

Anyways, go see Beauty and the Beast.  Excellent movie.  You won't be disappointed!  Unless you have a problem with LeFou being gay in the movie.  If you do, get over it.

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