Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Funny Parenting Meme

I saw this meme in my Facebook feed the other day and it made me chuckle because some days being a parent definitely feels like this.

Don't get me wrong.  I love my two daughters and don't ever regret becoming a parent.  There are so many wonderful moments in our lives together, but some days can be a struggle.  We have two days a week in which one kid has soccer practice and the other kid has martial arts, at two different places in town.  The drop off and pick up time are similar which complicates things.  On one of the evenings my wife and I can team up with one of us taking one kid and the other taking the second kid.  Then we meet back up at home and all is good.  The other day, however, is a different story as I have a night class, which leaves my wife dropping off and picking up both kids.  She does a wonderful job of course, but it takes a bit longer to get home and since both kids are active they need showers, resulting in later bed times, crankiness, hangriness, etc.  We get through it each week, but those are days that feel like the burning merry-go-round above.  :-)

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