Thursday, April 18, 2019

It's Spring! Time for Science!

Any time of the year is good for science, but since we are now in the middle of the spring season, whether it appears that way or not from your location (yes, I have a northern hemisphere bias right now!), here's a great website for some spring time science experiment ideas for your kids.


Some of these activities remind me of the science fair experiment my oldest daughter did her first year competing in a science fair. She tested the growth of green beans when 'watered' with different liquids. She had a blast that year and we learned quite a bit, including the discovery that watering green beans with milk creates quite the odor after a few days. LOL!

The weather is getting better outside, so take advantage and do some science! Those rainy spring days are great for science indoors. There are so many kitchen experiments you can do with materials you likely already have. The above website will give you some ideas as well as a list of materials to have on hand in preparation for a day filled with science!

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