Thursday, March 7, 2019

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Love of Books

I love books and am always on the look out for new (or old) authors and new series to read. I have far too many books at home, but I keep adding to my collection and I highly doubt I'll ever stop!

Becoming by Michelle Obama

This past Christmas my wife gave me a hardcover version of Michelle Obama's book 'Becoming'. My wife knows me very well. She knows I love books and knew I'd love this book. And I did! I started reading it a few weeks after the holidays and couldn't put it down. Well, actually I could put it down because I don't have the time to read a book from start to finish, but reading this book just made me jealous I don't have more time to read!

The book is broken into three parts in which Michelle Obama talks about her life growing up, her life after meeting her husband Barack, and their life together after he was elected President of the United States. Obama talks about her life growing up and the differences she had as a black child. She talks about being one of the only black women in her various places of work as she started her career in law.

It was an excellent book that sheds light on some of the disadvantages of being black in a country led by those who are white. It also sheds light on much of the behind the scenes action that took place while her husband was campaigning and serving eight years as President.

I won't give away spoilers, but I highly, highly recommend you read this book. I recommend you have your kids read it if they are middle school or older. One of my goals this year is to add more books by black authors and more books about black history to my reading list. I've read a lot of books and have many more on my list, but I've read very few black authors and I need to do better in this area. Black authors bring a different perspective and one I want to and need to learn more about.

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