Thursday, March 21, 2019

Van Helsing TV Show

I'm a big fan of supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi/apopcalyptic TV shows. I just discovered Van Helsing on the Sy-Fy channel and have nearly worked my way through the first three seasons in preparation for the start of the fourth season. I have a bit of a twisted mind when it comes to good TV, but I LOVE this show!

Why do I love this show? Well, the end of the world is here and vampires are taking over the land! The series starts with the Yellowstone supervolcano blowing and darkening the skies, allowing vampires to come out during the day. Then there are all the twists. Vanessa can't be turned into a vampire but she can turn vampires back into humans. Now that's cool! Then there are the vampires that can't die! Yes, that's right, they dig themselves back up out of their graves! There are feral vampires, vampires that were friends but are now hunting their friends, elders, etc.

Basically this is your typical end of the world show, but with a lot of different twists you don't see in many other apocalyptic shows. The other thing I enjoy about this show is I find it more difficult to become attached to characters, which is good, because then I'm not as devastated when they die. I stopped watching The Walking Dead, primarily because they did such a good job connecting their audience to the characters that I hated it when a main character died! Sort of a catch-22, I understand, but so far I'm enjoying Van Helsing far more than The Walking Dead.

My kids...well, it's not really a kid show. I don't let my younger daughter watch. I'm okay with my older daughter watching, but she's shown no interest. In fact, if she walks by when a gory scene is on, she just keeps walking and shakes her head. LOL! Oh...and there's no real science in this show. There are vampires, so you can't expect good science. :-)

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