Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Grape Jelly Failure!

Manufacturers of food products are constantly changing the packaging of their products to meet consumer needs/desires or to simply reduce costs.  Some packaging changes are good while others are complete failures.  Here is one of those failures.

Above you see a squeeze grape jelly bottle.  Normally we buy jelly that comes in a jar which you scoop out with a butter knife and spread on your bread/toast/etc.  Not sure why we bought this squeeze bottle but it ended up in our fridge.  There are a couple of problems with a bottle such as this.  The image below shows one of the problems.  

It makes a huge mess, especially when you have "do-it-yourself" kids!  If it was just my wife and I, this bottle would probably not be as messy.  But my 5 year old likes to spread butter and jelly on her toast by herself.  There's not a problem to this except that she can't work the squeeze jelly bottle as easily as an adult can.  Thus the mess.

In addition, it's harder to control the amount of jelly you put on your bread/toast.  With a jar and knife I can get the exact amount of jelly I want.  Not so with the squeeze bottle.  The jelly in the squeeze bottle comes out in globs.  I'll get a glob to come out, want just a bit more, but then another full sized glob comes out.  There's no way to put it back into the squeeze bottle either!

Moral of this story?  Jelly squeeze bottles are not for kids!

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