Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tornado Myths Debunked

With tornado season upon us it is important to understand the truth of tornadoes and it is especially important to avoid passing along tornado myths to your children.  For example, one myth states that opening your windows during a tornado will minimize damage and help save your home.  This is NOT true.  Opening your windows provides NO benefit.  Another myth is that it is safer to take cover in the southwest corner of your home.  Again, NOT true.  Here's a good link describing and debunking several tornado myths.

Another myth that is not listed on this site is that an area exposed to a tornado is much less likely to be hit by a tornado in the future.  Uh...why not?  Again, simply NOT true.  The sad thing about this myth is that it continues to get passed on by people of high standing.  Just the other week a top politician from Oklahoma stated that an area just hit by a tornado is less likely to be hit by one again.  No, no, no, a thousand times no!!!  The odds of any specific piece of land being hit by a tornado is low, but those odds are always the same and never change.  If a house is hit by a tornado today, it is just as likely to be hit by a tornado tomorrow.  

Please don't pass along misinformation to your kids.  Learn the truth and teach your kids the truth.  

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