Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Kids and Sugar

Both of my kids usually have an afternoon snack.  Depending on what they've already eaten that day we often let them choose their snack.  Sometimes they choose fruit, other times granola bars or raisins, etc.  Sometimes they choose a sugary snack, which is okay from time to time.  They usually make reasonable choices, so it's not too often that we tell our daughters that they need to choose a different snack because they've already had too much sugar.  Here's a perfect example.

Last week my daughter got off the school bus and runs into the house.  Usually she has a snack of some form before doing her homework.  On this day, however, she comes to me and says "Daddy, I'm not having a snack today.  I had a brownie and cookie at school because someone had a birthday and brought snacks.  If I have another snack it will be too much sugar."  And off she went to change her clothes and get ready to do her homework.  I must say that I was a very proud father for the decision she made.  Neither my wife nor I are very picky about what our kids choose for snacks as long as they aren't always choosing sugary snacks.

Then there's the cupcake my 3 year old had the other night for dessert.  We made cupcakes a few days ago and needed to finish them up before they went bad.  There were 4 cupcakes left, so we all had a cupcake for dessert.  Here's what my 3 year old's cupcake looked like after she said she was finished.

Yep, she didn't eat any of the cake.  She simply licked off the frosting and called it good!  LOL!  

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