Monday, December 2, 2013


As a parent, I beg you, on my knees, to teach your kids to respect others and the property of others.  I've done everything I can to teach my kids to be respectful and will continue to do so.  When they aren't respectful and I catch them, I'm certainly going to call them out and deliver the appropriate punishment.  I wish others would be just as responsible on this issue with their kids.  Why am I ranting about this?  I'll tell you.  In the past I've never had much of an issue with trash in my yard, but this year it's gone to a great extreme.  Every time I mow the lawn I first have to walk through the lawn and pick up the trash (usually candy wrappers, ice cream wrappers, etc.).  I have pictures to prove my point.  The picture below is the trash I picked up BEFORE mowing the lawn this past week.  My lawn is about 1/4 of an acre with most of the trash in the front yard.

For crying out loud, there's a cookie in there!!!  While mowing the lawn I picked up even more trash, shown below.

Seriously!?!?!?!  Throw your damn trash away!  It's several neighbor kids around us from 3 different houses.  I find it very uncomfortable knocking on the door and talking to parents (there will be issues there with the parents, trust me!), but it's getting to that point.  

I leave you with the following request.  Teach your kids respect.  Teach them that it's not right to leave candy wrappers on the ground.  Punish them when they do something that they know they shouldn't be throwing candy wrappers in my yard!!!  :-)

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