Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Daughter's Science "Experiment" Plan

The other morning my 6 year old finishes eating her cereal for breakfast and proceeds to put the bowl in the sink.  As she's doing this she stops, looks in the sink for a few moments, and then looks at me.  She tells me she has a science experiment we should try.  Okay, I thought, let's hear it.  Here's the procedure she gave me.

1.  Mix hot water with cold water.
2.  Add some vinegar.
3.  Add some syrup (the type that goes on pancakes).
4.  Add some salt.
5.  Add some milk.
6.  Add some sugar.
7.  Mix it all together and see what happens.

Uh...okay.  It's cool that she's thinking about her own science experiments.  She came up with this idea, so I'll do it with her soon.  Might have to add some baking soda to get any sort of interesting reaction, but she was super excited about it, so it's my job as her dad to be excited about it too!

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