Monday, May 6, 2019

Great Thunberg on Twitter

Science on Twitter

There are many negatives with social media but also many positives. Among those positives is the great number of amazing scientists using Twitter to share science news! Not only are there scientists, but there are telescopes and rovers with their own Twitter accounts sharing their findings. You just have to use social media in such a way the positives outweigh the negatives. Following scientists is a great way to gain those positives.

Greta Thunberg

If you haven't heard of Greta Thunberg, then you need to do some research on her now. She's a 16 year old climate activist in Sweden. I don't know how she did it, but she has spearheaded the many student school strikes across the world arguing for immediate action to address the climate change catastrophe taking place right now. Her courage to step up and take charge when adults haven't is truly inspiring, to both kids and adults. The adults in this world, including myself, need to look at Greta and do what she is doing, taking action. Action comes in many forms. There are strikes to bring awareness, voting records, attending climate change events, talking to your family and friends about climate change. You don't need to lead a world-wide movement to make a difference. You can follow Greta on Twitter @GretaThunberg.

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